Coram Deo

"In your presence is fullness of joy,

at your right hand
are pleasures forevermore."

Psalm 16:11

Welcome to Bowman

Thank you for visiting our website!
We are a church in Cottonwood, CA, dedicated to faithful and joyful worship of God. We gather in Jesus's name and have dedicated our lives to him.
Please consider browsing our content to get to know us, or read about it here.
Also, consider joining us on Sundays at 10 AM to worship our great God.
If you want to know what we believe as a church, click here.
You can check out our social media below.
Recent Sermons
Our Music

So, who are you, Bowman?

We're glad you asked. Below are some common questions or wonderings that folks have about our church; and, for your convenience, we've given the answers, too.

Where is the church, and when does it meet?

Overlooking the alfalfa field across the street, Bowman sits nestled past the fire station and before Del Norte Drive on Bowman Road. Our church has been in the area for 60 years, by God's wonderful grace. Our body meets on Sunday mornings at 10AM for our main service, but we also have an Adult Sunday School at 9AM, and, most nights, an Evening Service at 5PM.

Is there anything available for my kids?

Yes! Most Sundays, if a teacher is available, we offer Children’s Church. The kids will join the rest of the congregation for the opening portions of the service, including music, greeting, announcements, prayer, and the reading of Scripture. During the sermon, they may transition to a dedicated Children’s Church time.

However, participation in Children’s Church is completely optional. We are delighted to have your children with us and would be just as thrilled if they stayed for the sermon. God’s house is open to all, and we follow Jesus’ example when he said:

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 19:14

We also offer a midweek youth ministry called TruthSeekers, which meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 PM and follows the Evergreen school calendar. The program is open to all children, and while everyone participates together for many activities, the older kids will enjoy their own age-appropriate games during game time.

Both the Sunday and midweek programs are free to register. If you have any questions about the schedule or registration process, feel free to contact us!

What's the music like?

One of the great blessings of Lord on his church has been the gift of music, and the talents to play it. We are privileged to enjoy an excellent mixture of hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. From the triumphant, Reformation-era praise of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" to the precious truth of "In Christ Alone", you will find many of the Church's treasured songs sung in our sanctuary.

Our musical style (that is, what kind of instruments are used) is essentially modern: acoustic, electric, and bass guitars, piano, drums, a trumpet, and, of course, singing.

As with all things, theology matters. And, as has been said, "bad theology hurts people." Most importantly, we want God to be pleased with the music we sing — with no hint of taint or drawback. Therefore, we guard what we sing as closely as we guard the preaching, for singing is, itself, a powerful and unique form of teaching. With this in mind, our song selection takes into consideration things such as: who the author is, what their current ministry is like, and the truth in the lyrics. Finally, we're confident that there's something for everyone at Bowman—whether you're a fan of contemporary praise or those old, dusty hymns!

What do you believe, theologically?

This is, potentially, one of the most pressing and important questions of our day. We have compiled a Statement of Faith to answer this question. You can view it here. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Who are you affiliated with?

Bowman is not affiliated with a specific denomination, but we are not opposed to them.

How is your church structured?

Bowman is governed by a board of Elders who are responsible for overseeing the ministry's administration and operations. Additionally, there is a team of Deacons who assist with the practical needs of the church. Bowman also follows a church membership structure, which is intended to be inclusive of all believers who consider Bowman their home church, rather than exclusive.

What is the preaching like?

The primary preaching responsibilities are the privilege of our Lead Elder, Mark Lugg. Pastor Mark typically preaches through books of the Bible, but will preach standalone sermons on occasion. Other speakers will fill the pulpit, such as visiting speakers or other Elders. Whoever fills the pulpit, the expectation is that what is said humbles the sinner, exalts the Savior, and promotes holiness. These things can only be accomplished through faithful extraction of truth from the pages of Scripture.

Are there opportunities for fellowship and service, outside of the Main Service?

Absolutely. We have a number of small groups at the church for various purposes. Helping Hands, for example, is a ministry that cooks meals and supports families in need. There are a few home groups that would happily welcome newcomers. We have a Men's Fellowship and a Women's Fellowship, and many events throughout the year for interested volunteers to participate in. 

I'm interested in Bowman. How can I connect with the church?

You can connect with us by filling out this connect card.

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Service Times

Sunday Mornings

10:00 am

Sunday Evenings

5:00 pm