Coram Deo

Our Story

How it all started...

In 1963 Bowman Community Church began as a Sunday School for the children of the Bowman Road area of Cottonwood. Gordon and Anna May Dawson and John and Dottie Hickey were used by God to begin this ministry. The first services were held on Sunday afternoons, in a front yard. The congregation later moved to Bowman Hall and when worship services were established, local laymen preached. In 1971 the church became affiliated with Village Missions. Village Missions has continued to supply pastors through the years. Phyllis Smith donated the land where the church is currently located. The original sanctuary (now Dawson Chapel) was completed and dedicated in February of 1976. This was followed by the Sunday School building and parsonage, which were completed in the 1980’s. Construction of the new multiuse building began in 1998 and it was dedicated in May of 2001. Through the years God has continued to bless and to add to the Bowman Church family. This happened as God brought believers into the church and as folks have been saved, baptized, and joined the family.

Our purpose now...

Our purpose is twofold: First, we desire to reach the world with the wonderful message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We do this by first by stressing the truth that every believer has the responsibility of being salt and light in the arena God has place them in. Our services and programs all have an evangelistic emphasis. We also support other ministries in our area and around the world that are evangelistic in nature. Second, our purpose is to the equip those who choose to fellowship with us. Our services always are practical in nature. The Sunday morning messages are true to God’s Word, relevant, interesting, and clear. We have Growth Groups that meet for eight week periods during the winter and fall, and are designed not only to help people connect with others in the body of Christ, but also to provide practical direction for life. Our Sunday School also offers a variety of issue oriented classes designed to help everyone from teenagers struggling with the seduction of the world to mature saints battling depression caused by the loss of a mate.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.