Coram Deo

Welcome to the BCC mobile app!

It is our earnest prayer that this tool will be a great blessing to our body. We pray that it enables us to fellowship digitally with each other to an even greater degree. We also pray that the Lord would enable us to fill it with content that points you to Jesus and his glory, and to the praise of his glorious grace!

A few ways this can happen:

  1. Fellowship - this app has a built-in messaging system, allowing us to connect with one another throughout week.
  2. Edification - all sermons, blog articles, music, and other content Bowman creates will be organized and easily accessible on the app.
  3. Giving - worshipping God through our tithes and offerings through digital means has become substantially easier and more accessible. You can now give through the app or on the website, whether for one-time offerings or to establish automated payments.
  4. Connection - you can connect with the Elders via the connect card, request prayer via the prayer card, view the Elder’s prayer list, and other features as we continue to grow the app.
  5. Study - the app contains multiple, trustworthy resources to aid you in plumbing the depths of the riches of the knowledge of God.

It’s a fallen world, and mobile apps are not exempt from this principle! Our goal is to streamline this tool and make it effortless to use; however, bugs and errors are bound to occur. If you have a suggestion for how this tool could be improved, please do not hesitate to communicate this to

May this app further the Kingdom,

Bowman Community Church